Compare the tactics used by French troops in the French and Indian War with those of the American patriots during the Revolution. (Short answer)

I just need some help getting started because I have read my textbook and stuff and still can’t get an idea.

To compare the tactics used by French troops in the French and Indian War and the American patriots during the Revolution, you can start by looking at the strategies employed, the nature of warfare, and the challenges faced by both sides. Here's how you can approach this:

1. Understand the French and Indian War tactics:
- Research the military tactics used by the French troops during the French and Indian War, such as their reliance on guerrilla warfare and defensive strategies.
- Analyze how the French formed alliances with Native American tribes, utilizing their knowledge of the terrain to engage in hit-and-run tactics.
- Examine the French fortifications and their emphasis on building strong defensive positions to withstand attacks.

2. Study the American patriots' tactics during the Revolution:
- Explore the strategies employed by the American patriots, such as their reliance on asymmetric warfare, guerilla tactics, and harassment of British forces.
- Investigate how the patriots utilized their knowledge of the local geography to their advantage, employing hit-and-run tactics similar to those of the Native American tribes during the French and Indian War.
- Consider the significance of the colonists' militia system, which allowed for flexible response tactics and the ability to quickly assemble forces.

3. Identify similarities and differences:
- Compare the use of guerilla tactics and hit-and-run strategies by both the French troops and the American patriots.
- Examine how both sides utilized their understanding of the local terrain to adapt their tactics accordingly.
- Consider the differences in motivations, resources, and training between the French troops and the American patriots, and how these factors influenced their respective tactics.

By following these steps and conducting further research, you will be able to compare the tactics used in the French and Indian War and the American Revolution. Remember to consult additional sources, such as reputable history books or academic articles, to gather more detailed information for a comprehensive analysis.