The 8th term of a gp is _7/32. find its common ratio if its first term is 28.

a1 = 28

a8 = a1 ∙ r ⁷

7 / 32 = 28 ∙ r ⁷

Divide both sides by 28

( 7 / 32 ) / 28 = r ⁷

7 / 32 ∙ 28 = r ⁷

7 / 32 ∙ 7 ∙ 4 = r ⁷

1 / 32 ∙ 4 = r ⁷

1 / 128 = r ⁷

r = ⁷√ ( 1 / 128 )

r = ⁷√ 1 / ⁷√ 128

r = 1 / 2

I need answer


To find the common ratio of a geometric progression (GP) given the first term and the eighth term, we can use the formula:

\[T_n = a \cdot r^{(n-1)}\]

- \(T_n\) is the n-th term of the GP
- \(a\) is the first term of the GP
- \(r\) is the common ratio of the GP
- \(n\) is the term number

In this case, we are given the following information:
- The 8th term of the GP is \(-\frac{7}{32}\)
- The first term of the GP is 28

Substituting these values into the formula, we have:

\[-\frac{7}{32} = 28 \cdot r^{(8-1)}\]

Simplifying this equation, we get:

\[-\frac{7}{32} = 28 \cdot r^7\]

To find the common ratio, we need to isolate \(r\) on one side of the equation. We can start by dividing both sides of the equation by 28:

\[\frac{-7}{32 \cdot 28} = r^7\]

Now, we can take the seventh root of both sides to isolate \(r\):

\[\sqrt[7]{\frac{-7}{32 \cdot 28}} = r\]

Therefore, the common ratio of the geometric progression is \(\sqrt[7]{\frac{-7}{32 \cdot 28}}\) or approximately -0.5.