Find the value of 'x' when RATS is a parallelogram and the measure of angle S = 8x degrees and the measure of angle T = 7x degrees.

the two angles add up to 180, so

8x+7x = 180

To find the value of 'x' in a parallelogram where the measure of angle S is 8x degrees and the measure of angle T is 7x degrees, we can use the fact that opposite angles in a parallelogram are congruent.

In a parallelogram, opposite angles are equal. Therefore, angle S is equal to angle T.

So we can set up an equation based on the given information:

8x = 7x

To solve for 'x', we can subtract 7x from both sides of the equation:

8x - 7x = 7x - 7x
x = 0

Therefore, the value of 'x' is 0.