Hello, please I came to check my work!

1. Which of these rules is best applied before participating in a group discussion?
A. Look at the person who is speaking.
B. Pay attention to what others are saying. ********
C. Read about the topic of the discussion.
D. Wait for your turn to speak.

2. Read the paragraph.
Lupe had a difficult time during her discussion. She knew her topic, but she got confused as others were talking, especially when the discussion took an unexpected direction.

If the situation happens again in the future group discussions, Lupe should...

A. Listen carefully, take notes, wait to share her ideas at the next discussion.
B. Learn about the ideas others are sharing so that she can find evidence right away.
C. Listen for a connection she can make, collect her thoughts, and speak clearly.
D. Try to finish someone else's thoughts to see his or her reaction.


To check your work, let's go through each question and see if your answers are correct.

1. Which of these rules is best applied before participating in a group discussion?
The correct answer is B. Pay attention to what others are saying.
To determine the correct answer, you need to consider the best approach before participating in a group discussion. While options A, C, and D are also important during a group discussion, paying attention to what others are saying is crucial before participating. This allows you to understand the ongoing conversation and contribute effectively.

2. Lupe had a difficult time during her discussion. She knew her topic, but she got confused as others were talking, especially when the discussion took an unexpected direction.
If the situation happens again in future group discussions, what should Lupe do?
The correct answer is C. Listen for a connection she can make, collect her thoughts, and speak clearly.
To determine the correct answer, you need to think about the actions that Lupe should take to handle a similar situation in future group discussions. Option A suggests listening carefully and taking notes, but it doesn't address how to handle confusion or unexpected directions. Option B focuses on finding evidence right away, which might not be applicable in all situations. Option D suggests finishing someone else's thoughts, which might not be productive. The best approach is for Lupe to actively listen for connections, gather her thoughts, and communicate clearly.

Please provide the remaining question for me to assist you further.

1 - no; the question asks what to do BEFORE participating in a discussion

2 - ??