A fork stands upright in a body of water.

With this image, the artist
A. kept an equal balance between the size of the fork and the size of the surrounding buildings.
B. manipulated proportion to create a fork too small for a traditional setting.
C. used appropriate proportion to create a fork that was the correct size for human use.
D. manipulated proportion to create an exaggerated fork when compared to traditional size.
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some one plz help i dont want to fail

The answer is D.

To answer this question, we need to analyze the image and consider the concept of proportion. Proportion refers to the size relationship between different elements within a composition.

In this particular image, we can observe that the fork stands upright in a body of water. From the given answer choices, options B and D mention the artist manipulating proportion. Let's evaluate each of these options further:

B. Manipulated proportion to create a fork too small for a traditional setting: This option suggests that the artist intentionally made the fork smaller than what would be considered normal or appropriate in a traditional setting. However, there is no information provided about the setting or context in which the fork is being placed. Therefore, we cannot determine if this is an accurate interpretation based solely on the image.

D. Manipulated proportion to create an exaggerated fork when compared to traditional size: This option suggests that the artist intentionally made the fork larger or exaggerated in size compared to what would be considered traditional. Again, without any information about the intended context or a comparison to traditional sizes, we cannot confirm whether this statement is accurate based solely on the image.

None of the given answer choices directly address the concept of proportion in relation to the surrounding buildings. Therefore, we can exclude options A and C from consideration.

Given the information provided, we cannot definitively determine the correct answer. It is essential to consider additional context or information to provide a more accurate interpretation of the artist's intentions.

for the whole quick check the answers are
