It rained 10% of the 30 days last month. On how many days did it NOT rain?


To find out how many days it did not rain last month, we can subtract the number of days it rained from the total number of days in the month.

First, we need to determine the number of days it rained. If it rained 10% of the 30 days, we can calculate it by multiplying 10% (0.1) by 30:

0.1 * 30 = 3

So, it rained on 3 days last month.

To find out the number of days it did not rain, we subtract the number of days it rained (3) from the total number of days in the month (30):

30 - 3 = 27

Therefore, it did not rain on 27 days last month.

well, it rained on 3 days, so ...