What are some things I might do that will definitely get me banned? I want to know that way I do not do them.

Ain't no way 145 people have looked at this in the last 5 minutes

230 WHAT

1. Make fun of people

2. Having a bad name
3. Typing bad words
4. Answering without thinking
5. Spamming

That is all I've got right know

Ain't no way that this has got 300 views and barely any answers.


Whats the big deal Flower Girl💐, do the views matter?

Anyone else gonna answer because this thing has got a lot of views so there should be a lot of answers

someone's been pushing that F5 key a lot

I have a Chromebook

No F5 key on here

DS? can I ask you a question?

Will somebody please answer my question? One of you 500 people?

yes i know

1. Being a bully

2. Spamming
3. Chatting instead of answering
4. Having an inappropriate name
5. Giving personal information
6. Asking non-important questions
7. Typing off topic
8. Asking to many question for no reason
9. Being rude
10. Back talking to the expert teachers and tutors trying to help you

i wanted ask this question ad i like these answers


This site is not supposed to be a chat room. Most people are curious enough about what an "important question" is that they will click on it to see just what is so important. The only answer to this question is the one posted by BILLY GOAT. ALL OF THE OTHERS ARE NONSENSE AND SERVE NO USEFUL PURPOSE.