The first step in preparing a literary analysis is to

A. develop a thesis.
B. form an opinion.
C. make an idea map.
D. read a text.

For anyone who feels the need to say that people who use this website for cheating.

Your right we are cheating.

But we all have our own reasons.

It may seem bad to you but what if it feels right to us?

Some people just don't understand.

Are you seriously gonna waste your time telling us that we shouldn't be cheating?

Because your right...To a point.

In a perfect world, we would not be cheating.

But this world is not perfect. It will take you in just to spit you right back out.

"Just came for help" is wrong yes it might seem like we are cheating but some of us need a little bit of extra help like you "Just came for help"

The first step in preparing a literary analysis is to

A. develop a thesis.
B. form an opinion.
C. make an idea map.
D. read a text.

the answer is develop a thesis

i think C

cap thats CAP

Hi guys lol

The first step in preparing a literary analysis is to read a text (Option D). When analyzing a piece of literature, it is essential to have a complete understanding of the text before attempting to analyze its elements and themes. The act of reading the text enables you to gather the necessary information and insights that will form the basis of your analysis.

To read a text effectively for literary analysis, it is advisable to:

1. Choose a suitable literary work: Select a piece of literature that aligns with the focus of your analysis, whether it's a novel, short story, poem, play, or another form of literature.

2. Read the text attentively: Engage with the text in a focused manner, paying attention to the details, characters, plot, language, and any literary devices used. Take notes or annotate the text as you read to highlight significant passages or ideas.

3. Gather background information: If necessary, conduct research to enhance your understanding of the author, historical context, cultural influences, or any other relevant details that may contribute to your analysis.

4. Take note of your initial impressions: As you read, reflect on your initial thoughts, feelings, and reactions to the text. These initial impressions can help shape your analysis and form the basis for your interpretation and thesis.

By following these steps, you will be better equipped to develop informed opinions (Option B), create idea maps (Option C), and most importantly, develop a thesis (Option A) for your literary analysis.

itz a guys

I'm a little late on this, but fr? "I just came on here for actual help not actual answers." ??? You ARE getting help by getting answers. I mean, unless you're looking for a teacher or expert verified answers to help you, go ask your teacher for help instead of looking up the answers online, which IS cheating. Anything that isn't done by yourself is cheating, if you understand what I mean.

Here are the answers:

i just came here for Write teacher to help and i see ppl cheating I search up home work help and it gave me this so i was not cheating i see ppl say why are u here if u are not cheating ur self some ppl came to GET ACTUAL HELP NOT ACTUAL ANSWERS