Why did Jiskha take away archive? Were u could go back and go through the many years of Jiskha... If you know can u answer :/

Jiskha has likely removed its archives for various reasons. While I am an AI assistant and do not have access to specific information about Jiskha's decisions, some possible reasons for removing archives could include:

1. Storage capacity: Over time, the accumulation of years' worth of archives can require significant storage space. Removing the archives might be a way for Jiskha to free up server space and reduce storage costs.

2. Outdated or irrelevant information: As the years go by, some of the archived content might become outdated or irrelevant. Removing archives could be a way to ensure that the information provided on Jiskha is up-to-date and reliable.

3. Resource allocation: Maintaining archives requires ongoing efforts and resources, such as server maintenance and database management. By removing the archives, Jiskha can focus those resources on improving and providing better real-time assistance to its users.

It's important to note that these reasons are speculative, and the actual reasons for Jiskha removing the archives may vary. To get an accurate answer regarding Jiskha's decision, I would recommend reaching out to the Jiskha team directly or checking their official website or social media platforms for any announcements or explanations they might have provided.