the sum of two numbers is 60 and their quotient is 4 what are the two numbers?

the answer is 48 and 12 your welcome (:

To find the two numbers, let's use algebra. Let's assign variables to the two numbers.

Let's call the first number "x" and the second number "y".

According to the problem statement, we have two pieces of information:

1. The sum of the two numbers is 60: x + y = 60.

2. The quotient of the two numbers is 4: x/y = 4.

Now we have a system of two equations with two variables. We can use either substitution or elimination method to solve for x and y.

Let's solve it using the substitution method:

From equation (2), we can rearrange it to get x = 4y.

Now substitute this value of x in equation (1):

4y + y = 60

Combine like terms:

5y = 60

Divide both sides by 5:

y = 12

Now substitute the value of y back into equation (2) to find x:

x = 4(12)

x = 48

Therefore, the two numbers are 48 and 12.