1. Which text feature can help a reader determine the meaning of an unfamiliar word?(1 point)





2. What is a thesaurus used for?(1 point)

finding the definition of a word

finding synonyms and antonyms of a word

finding the origins of a word

finding the pronunciation of a word

3. Wesley is giving a presentation in his science class and is unsure of how to pronounce the word phylum. Which resource should he consult?(1 point)

an index

a thesaurus

a glossary

a dictionary

4. Bryan is writing a short story and wants to come up with a more interesting word to replace cold. Which resource should he consult?(1 point)

a dictionary

a glossary

a thesaurus

an index

I swear this is 100%

2.finding the synonyms and antonyms of a word

BHAHAHA is wrong

use a dictionary to look up the choices given, and the answers should be clear.

Honestly, if I were you I would try to do the questions without asking all of those questions in the beginning. I'm not trying to be rude or anything, but it's for your benefit. Just try to do the questions on your own and if you really are stuck then ask questions.

Question 2 is one of the questions that should be really easy. The answer is "finding synonyms and antonyms of a word".

what are the answers

lol is correct 100% thanks lol

Lol is right I got 100%

Lol is 100% right, thanks lol for putting the actual answers instead of just a or b cause it switches it up on people:( thanks so much

all of those are wrong

Here are the answers: