how to i Estimate the quotient using compatible numbers. 5,564 divided by 91?

54/9 = 6

5400/90 = 60

To estimate the quotient using compatible numbers, you can round the dividend and divisor to the nearest compatible numbers, which are numbers that are easier to work with mentally. Here's how you can estimate the quotient for the division problem 5,564 divided by 91:

Step 1: Identify compatible numbers
Look for numbers that are close to 5,564 and 91, which are compatible with easy division. In this case, you can round 5,564 to approximately 5,600, and round 91 to 90.

Step 2: Perform the estimation
Divide the rounded dividend (5,600) by the rounded divisor (90) mentally. In this case, the estimation would be:
5,600 ÷ 90 = 62

Therefore, the estimated quotient of 5,564 divided by 91 is 62.