Which two elements on the periodic table are in the same period?

SN and RN

To find which two elements are in the same period on the periodic table, follow these steps:

1. Locate the periodic table: Open a web browser and search for "periodic table" to find an online version of the table. Alternatively, you can refer to a physical copy of a periodic table if available.

2. Identify the period: Each row on the periodic table represents a period. The periods are labeled from 1 to 7, located horizontally from left to right. Locate the desired period.

3. Find the elements: Scan across the period to identify the two elements that fall into the same row, or period. Make note of their atomic symbols.

Please note that there may be additional elements within the same period, but you are specifically looking for two elements that are in the same one.

If you provide me with the specific period number you are interested in, I can give you the names of the elements that are in that period. Or, you can look it up yourself using the steps explained above.

What are your choices?

Se and Te