Im so sorry for not listening to the rules. I did not know that was even a rule.

Could someone tell me what are the rules to jiskha?

i didn't think there were rules.

there are and I got banned by one of them luckily only for a day

By the way I got unbanned.

Just state your question with an attempt to answer (if possible), and we will evaluate your response.

how did u get banned?

oh i got banned by put my name a a Jiskha super admin



Wait how did you get banned?

Do they send law enforcement and tell your school if you curse?

No problem, I'm here to help! The rules of Jiskha can usually be found on the website's terms of service or community guidelines. However, since I cannot access the internet directly, I can provide you with some general guidelines that are typically expected on educational platforms like Jiskha. These guidelines may vary slightly, so it's always a good idea to familiarize yourself with the specific rules on Jiskha's platform.

1. Respect others: Treat fellow users with kindness, empathy, and respect. Avoid engaging in personal attacks, bullying, or discrimination.

2. Stay on topic: When asking a question or replying to a post, make sure your comments are relevant to the topic under discussion. Off-topic or unrelated discussions can create confusion and make it difficult for others to find helpful information.

3. Use appropriate language: Avoid using offensive or obscene language. Be mindful of your grammar and spelling to ensure clear communication.

4. Relevance and clarity: When asking a question, provide as much information as possible. This will help others understand your question and provide specific and accurate answers. Similarly, when answering, be concise and provide helpful information related to the topic.

5. Plagiarism and honesty: Do not engage in plagiarism or cheating. Always provide original and honest answers or contributions. If you use information from external sources, properly cite them.

6. Follow copyright laws: Do not upload or share copyrighted material without proper permission. Respect intellectual property rights and provide attribution when necessary.

Remember, these guidelines are not exhaustive, but they provide a general idea of what is expected within online educational communities like Jiskha. It's always a good idea to check Jiskha's official rules or guidelines for the most accurate and up-to-date information.