Which of the following is not part of the theory of evolution?

A.Organisms tend to produce more offspring than can survive to reproductive age. ****

B.Organisms can acquire changes during their lifetime that can help their species survive.

C.Organisms that do not survive to reproduce do not pass on their traits.

D.Organisms have variations in traits within a population.
can someone check this?


please tell me what the answers are for the whole thing

ill come back and say the answers once im done

To check which option is not part of the theory of evolution, we need to understand the theory of evolution itself. The theory of evolution, first proposed by Charles Darwin, explains how species change over time through the process of natural selection.

According to the theory of evolution, certain individuals within a population have traits that are better suited to their environment. These individuals are more likely to survive and reproduce, passing on their advantageous traits to the next generation. Over time, these accumulated changes in the traits of a population can lead to new species.

Now, looking at the given options:

A. "Organisms tend to produce more offspring than can survive to reproductive age" - This is indeed part of the theory of evolution. It is known as overproduction or high reproductive potential, where organisms produce more offspring than the environment can support, resulting in competition for scarce resources.

B. "Organisms can acquire changes during their lifetime that can help their species survive" - This concept, often called Lamarckism or the inheritance of acquired characteristics, was initially proposed as a mechanism for evolution. However, it is not considered part of the modern understanding of evolutionary theory. Therefore, this option is not part of the theory of evolution.

C. "Organisms that do not survive to reproduce do not pass on their traits" - This is a fundamental principle of the theory of evolution. Organisms that do not survive to reproduce cannot pass on their traits to the next generation, and thus, those traits are not carried forward in the population.

D. "Organisms have variations in traits within a population" - This is another essential component of the theory of evolution. Individual organisms within a population exhibit variations in their traits, which can be inherited and passed on to future generations.

In summary, the option that is not part of the theory of evolution is: B. "Organisms can acquire changes during their lifetime that can help their species survive."