Ken has a collection of 24 small toy cars to put in a display case with 5 shelves. He wants to use all 5 shelves.

1.) If he wants to put either 4 or 6 cars on a shelf, how many shelves should have 6 cars?
2.) he wants to put either 4 or 8 cars on a shelf, how many shelves should have 8 cars?

24 = 4*6 = 3*8

To solve these questions, we need to divide the total number of cars (24) by the number of cars on each shelf (4 or 6 for the first question and 4 or 8 for the second question).

1.) To determine the number of shelves that should have 6 cars, we divide the total number of cars (24) by 6:
24 / 6 = 4
So, Ken should have 4 shelves with 6 cars.

2.) To determine the number of shelves that should have 8 cars, we divide the total number of cars (24) by 8:
24 / 8 = 3
So, Ken should have 3 shelves with 8 cars.

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