how much money did juwad earn the second week

Bruh I searched this up to find the answer but all I see is “bruh”?

To determine how much money Juwad earned in the second week, I would need more information. Could you please provide details such as Juwad's salary, any additional income, or any specific transactions made by Juwad in the second week?

To determine how much money Juwad earned in the second week, you would need specific information or data. Without that, it is not possible to provide you with an exact answer.

However, if you have access to Juwad's earnings information, such as pay stubs or financial records, you can follow these steps to calculate the earnings for the second week:

1. Look for the time period covered by the records. Determine which dates fall within the second week.

2. Calculate the total hours Juwad worked during the second week. This may involve summing up the hours from each day or relying on the total number of hours worked provided in the records.

3. Find out Juwad's hourly wage or salary rate. This information should be included in the records.

4. Multiply the total hours worked by the hourly wage or calculate the total weekly salary to determine Juwad's earnings for the second week.

Remember, you would need access to Juwad's earnings information to accurately answer your question.

He earned an x amount of money the second week.

if you wish to know the value of x give us a better detailed question