Which phrase from the song he’s my supports the idea that the Navajo people appreciate the environment? Help me if you can give me all the answers I would love u

To find a phrase from the song "He's My Brother" that supports the idea that the Navajo people appreciate the environment, we need to analyze the lyrics of the song. Here's how you can do it:

1. Search for the lyrics: Start by searching for the lyrics of the song "He's My Brother." You can use a search engine or music streaming platforms to find the lyrics.

2. Look for relevant lines: Once you have the lyrics, read through them and look for any lines that mention or imply the appreciation of the environment by the Navajo people. Pay attention to any references to nature, sustainability, or the beauty of the land.

3. Analyze the lines: After identifying potential lines, analyze them to determine if they truly support the idea of Navajo people appreciating the environment. Consider the context of the song, the overall message, and any cultural references that might be present.

Unfortunately, as an AI, I don't have access to real-time internet search results or the specific lyrics to the song you mentioned. Hence, I am unable to provide you with a direct phrase from the song. However, if you follow the steps above, you should be able to find the line that supports the idea of the Navajo people appreciating the environment.

There's a song named "he’s my" ??

Surely if you have the lyrics you can find a phrase about nature or the environment.

And no, we discourage handing out complete sets of answers.