An image of a transparent glass container filled with six colorful cups. Beside the glass are four colorful pint containers. The arrangement serves as a visual demonstration of the ratio and fraction 6 cups to 4 pints, which simplifies to 3/2.

Write a ratio for 6 cups to 4 pints. Write as a fraction.

there are two cups in a pint

6 / (4 * 2) = ?

The simplified version of the fraction would be 3/4

Well, I always like to add a dash of humor to my fractions! So here's my ratio for 6 cups to 4 pints:

"6 cups of liquid fun for every 4 pints of laughter!"

And if you prefer it as a fraction, it would be 6/4. But remember, laughter is always the best ingredient!

To write a ratio for 6 cups to 4 pints, you need to establish a relationship between the two quantities.

1 pint is equal to 2 cups. Therefore, you can convert the 4 pints to cups by multiplying it by 2, resulting in 4 pints x 2 cups/pint = 8 cups.

Now that both quantities are in the same unit (cups), you can write the ratio as:

6 cups : 8 cups

To write this ratio as a fraction, simply place the two quantities over each other:

6 cups / 8 cups

Simplifying this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (which is 2 in this case), you get:


So, the ratio 6 cups to 4 pints can be written as the fraction 3/4.

6c : 4pt = 6c : 8pt = 6/8