Theoretically if you roll a number cube 36 times, how many times would you expect to roll the number one

1/6 * 36 = ?

To determine how many times you would expect to roll the number one on a number cube, you need to identify the probability of rolling a one on each roll.

A fair number cube has six sides, numbered 1 to 6. The probability of rolling any specific number (including one) on a fair number cube is 1/6, since there are six equally likely outcomes.

Since the rolls are independent events, the expected number of times you would roll a one in a series of independent rolls can be calculated by multiplying the probability of rolling a one by the total number of rolls.

In this case, you are rolling the number cube 36 times. Therefore, the expected number of times you would roll the number one can be calculated as follows:

Expected Number of Times = Probability of Rolling One × Total Number of Rolls
Expected Number of Times = (1/6) × 36
Expected Number of Times = 6

Therefore, you would expect to roll the number one approximately 6 times if you roll the number cube 36 times.