A 30-pack of blank CDs costs $9.50.

A 50-pack of blank CDs costs $13. How can you tell which is the better buy?

the cost of one can is price/#cans, so

compare 950/30 to 1300/50

To determine which is the better buy, you can calculate the price per CD for each option.

For the 30-pack of blank CDs:
Price per CD = Total cost / Number of CDs
Price per CD = $9.50 / 30
Price per CD = $0.3167

For the 50-pack of blank CDs:
Price per CD = Total cost / Number of CDs
Price per CD = $13 / 50
Price per CD = $0.26

Comparing the prices per CD, you can see that the 50-pack of blank CDs offers a better deal at a price of $0.26 per CD, whereas the 30-pack of blank CDs costs $0.3167 per CD. Therefore, the 50-pack is the better buy in terms of price per CD.

To determine which is the better buy between the 30-pack and the 50-pack of blank CDs, we need to compare the cost per CD in each pack. Here's how you can calculate it:

First, calculate the cost per CD for the 30-pack:
Cost per CD = Total cost / Number of CDs
Cost per CD = $9.50 / 30
Cost per CD = $0.3167 (rounded to four decimal places)

Next, calculate the cost per CD for the 50-pack:
Cost per CD = Total cost / Number of CDs
Cost per CD = $13 / 50
Cost per CD = $0.26

By comparing the cost per CD for each pack, we can see that the 50-pack of blank CDs costs $0.26 per CD, while the 30-pack of blank CDs costs $0.3167 per CD. Therefore, the 50-pack is the better buy as it is cheaper per CD.