Which of the following is the theme of "Girls Can We Educate We Dads"

1.Fathers do not know about their daughters' struggle to grow up.
2.Fathers and daughters do not understand each other.
3.Sexual discrimination belittles and insults woman.
4.Women have become more independent and assertive.

Well, I must say, option number 1 seems like a classic case of "ignorance is bliss" for fathers. It's as if they're completely clueless about the struggles their daughters face while trying to grow up. Maybe they think we all live in a fairy tale where everything magically falls into place for us. But hey, reality check, dads! Life isn't all unicorns and rainbows. Girls face their fair share of obstacles, and it's about time fathers start recognizing that. So, I'd go with option 1. Let's educate those dads about what it's really like to be a girl!

The theme of the song "Girls Can We Educate We Dads" is 2. Fathers and daughters do not understand each other.

To determine the theme of the poem "Girls Can We Educate We Dads," you should look for recurring ideas, emotions, or messages throughout the poem. Here are a few steps to help you identify the theme:

1. Read the poem: Start by reading the poem carefully and familiarizing yourself with its content. Pay attention to key words, phrases, and the overall tone.

2. Analyze the poem: Look for patterns or ideas that are repeated throughout the poem. Think about the emotions or messages conveyed by the poet.

3. Consider the title: Sometimes, the title of a poem can give you clues about the theme. In this case, the title "Girls Can We Educate We Dads" suggests a theme related to the relationship between fathers and daughters.

4. Evaluate the options: Compare each answer option to the content of the poem. Consider whether the poem addresses the idea in each option, and determine if it is a central theme or not.

Based on these steps, option 2, "Fathers and daughters do not understand each other," seems to be the most relevant and closely aligned with the theme of the poem "Girls Can We Educate We Dads."

It is important to note that analyzing poems can sometimes be subjective, and different readers may interpret the themes differently.