Read the excerpt from The Number Devil.

"By the way, the reverse is true as well," the number devil added.

"The reverse? What do you mean?"

"Simple," said the number devil with a grin. "Just as there are infinitely large numbers, there are infinitely small numbers. And an infinite number of infinitely small numbers." And so saying, he twirled his walking stick like a propeller in Robert's face.

I'm starting to feel dizzy, thought Robert. It was the same feeling he'd had on the slide.

"Stop!" he shouted.

"Why so jittery, Robert?" asked the number devil. "It's perfectly harmless."
What is the number devil trying to accomplish?
A. He is trying to support Robert’s understanding.
B. He is trying to make Robert wake up from his dream.
C. He is trying to make fun of Robert's limited math knowledge.
D. He is trying to get Robert to do something against his will.




number 4 and 6 are wrong the right answer for number 4 is C and the right answer for number 6 is B

"Nagito komeada"

The number devil is trying to accomplish a few things here. First, he is introducing the idea of infinitely small numbers to Robert. He explains that just as there are infinitely large numbers, there are also infinitely small numbers. This is meant to expand Robert's understanding of numbers and the concept of infinity.

Secondly, the number devil is trying to engage and challenge Robert's thinking. He twirls his walking stick in Robert's face in a playful manner, perhaps to grab his attention or to make the concept more visually stimulating.

Based on the excerpt, it does not appear that the number devil is trying to support Robert's understanding, wake him up from his dream, or make fun of his limited math knowledge. Therefore, option C, "He is trying to make fun of Robert's limited math knowledge," is not the correct answer. It also does not seem that the number devil is trying to get Robert to do something against his will. Thus, option D, "He is trying to get Robert to do something against his will," is also not the correct answer.

Therefore, the correct answer is option A: "He is trying to support Robert's understanding." The number devil is explaining and expanding Robert's knowledge about numbers and infinity.

Tenyas wrong it’s
