What can you look for to help you determine the structure that is being used in an informational text?(1 point)

do you to connexus? if not then do bother looking up

plz help!!!!!!

When trying to determine the structure of an informational text, there are several elements you can look for. These can help you understand the organization and flow of the text, as well as identify the main ideas and supporting details. Here are some key factors to consider:

1. Headings and subheadings: These are usually found at the beginning of each section or paragraph and give you a quick overview of the topics being discussed.

2. Introduction and conclusion: Look for an opening paragraph that introduces the main topic or thesis, and a closing paragraph that summarizes the key points or provides a final thought.

3. Chronological order: If the text presents information in a sequential or time-based order, such as historical events or steps in a process, it likely follows a chronological structure.

4. Cause and effect: When the text explains the causes and consequences of an event or issue, it's likely using a cause and effect structure. Look for signal words like "because," "as a result," "therefore," etc.

5. Compare and contrast: If the text presents similarities and differences between two or more subjects, it's organized in a compare and contrast structure. Keywords like "similarly," "on the other hand," "in contrast," etc., indicate this structure.

6. Problem and solution: When the text highlights a problem and then offers one or more solutions, it's using a problem and solution structure. Signal words like "issue," "challenge," "solution," etc., can help identify this structure.

7. Description or list: Sometimes, informational texts present information through a series of descriptions or lists. Look for bullet points, numbers, or adjectives that describe specific aspects.

By paying attention to these elements, you can analyze the way the information is presented and determine the structure being used in an informational text.

What informational text?