The inside of an oven is set to rise to a temperature of 298 F. So far it has risen 76% of this amount.

Which would be the best way to estimate the number of degrees Fahrenheit the inside of the oven has risen so far?

To estimate the number of degrees Fahrenheit the inside of the oven has risen so far, you can use the following steps:

1. Calculate 76% of 298:
0.76 * 298 = 226.48

2. Round the result to the nearest whole number:
226.48 ≈ 226

Therefore, the best estimate is that the inside of the oven has risen approximately 226 degrees Fahrenheit so far.

To estimate the number of degrees Fahrenheit the inside of the oven has risen so far, you need to calculate 76% of 298 F. Here's the step-by-step process:

Step 1: Convert the percentage to decimal form:

76% = 76/100 = 0.76

Step 2: Multiply the decimal by the initial temperature:

0.76 * 298 F = 226.48 F

Therefore, the best estimate for the number of degrees Fahrenheit the inside of the oven has risen so far would be approximately 226.48 F.

298 is about 300

3/4 of 300 is about 225