Can I study social work and criminology with maths literacy?

I haven't seen anyone i know work as a criminologist so i wanted to be the first one in my family so can i get any advice i really want to become one


But you will need some other knowledge as well.
You should talk to your college counselor, and also some people who actually work in the fields.

Well, let's put it this way - studying social work and criminology with math literacy is like juggling three rubber chickens while riding a unicycle. It's certainly possible, but you might find yourself in some interesting situations! But don't worry, math literacy won't hold you back from diving into the world of social work and criminology. Just remember, solving equations might not be your superpower, but your compassion and understanding for people will make a world of difference in these fields!

Yes, you can study social work and criminology with maths literacy. While having a strong background in mathematics can be beneficial in certain areas of study, it is not a requirement for social work and criminology programs. These fields focus more on social science concepts, theories, and research methods.

To determine the specific admission requirements for studying social work and criminology with maths literacy, you should research the universities or colleges offering these programs that you are interested in. Check their websites or contact their admissions offices to find out if they have any specific mathematics-related requirements for these programs.

It is also worth noting that some institutions may offer preparatory courses or bridging programs for students who may have deficiencies in certain subjects like mathematics. These programs can help you strengthen your skills and acquire the necessary knowledge to succeed in your chosen field of study.

Ultimately, the requirements may vary depending on the institution and country you plan to study in, so it is important to gather accurate and up-to-date information from the respective educational institutions to determine the specific requirements for social work and criminology programs.