Would someone please check this to make sure I have answered this correctly?

For babysitting, Nicole charges a flat fee of $3, plus $5 per hour.

a. Write an equation for the cost, C, after h hours of babysitting.
C = 5h + 3

b. What do you think the slope and the y-intercept represent?
Slope is 5 and represents her hourly rate to babysit
Y-intercept is (0, 3) and it represents her charge to go/travel to babysit

c. How much money will she make if she baby-sits 5 hours?

C = 5(5) + 3 = 25 + 3 = $28

looks good

To check if your answers are correct, we can go through each step of your reasoning:

a. The equation you provided is correct: C = 5h + 3. This equation represents the total cost, C, after h hours of babysitting. The $5 per hour represents the amount she charges per hour, and the $3 represents the flat fee.

b. Your interpretation of the slope is correct. The slope of 5 represents her hourly rate to babysit. For every additional hour, she charges an extra $5.

However, your interpretation of the y-intercept is slightly off. The y-intercept represents the cost when the number of hours is 0. In this case, the y-intercept (0, 3) represents the $3 flat fee she charges regardless of the number of hours.

c. To find out how much money Nicole will make if she babysits for 5 hours, we can substitute h = 5 into the equation:

C = 5(5) + 3 = 25 + 3 = $28

So, if Nicole babysits for 5 hours, she will make $28.

In conclusion, it appears that your answers are correct. Well done!