After a 5% raise your new salary is $ 84000. Before the raise your salary was $

1.05x = 84000

x = 84000/1.05 = _____

To find your salary before the raise, we can use the given information.

Let's assume your salary before the raise was x.

After the 5% raise, your new salary is given as $84000. This means that you received a 5% increase on your original salary.

To calculate your original salary, we can use the equation:

x + 5% of x = $84000

To find 5% of x, we can multiply x by 5/100:

0.05x = $84000

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 0.05:

x = $84000 / 0.05

x = $1680000

Therefore, your salary before the raise was $1680000.

To determine your salary before the raise, we can use the information given. Since you received a 5% raise, your new salary after the raise is $84,000. However, we need to find your salary before the raise.

To calculate the salary before the raise, we can use the formula:

Salary before raise = (Salary after raise / (100% + raise percentage)) * 100%

In this case, since the raise percentage is 5%, we plug in the values:

Salary before raise = ($84000 / (100% + 5%)) * 100%

Now, let's solve it step by step:

1. Calculate the amount to add to 100% based on the raise percentage:

100% + 5% = 105%

2. Divide the current salary after the raise by the score from step 1:

$84000 / 105% = $800

Therefore, your salary before the raise was $80,000.