Sum of first three prime numbers that end with a 9

19+29+59 = ____

find thw first 3 numbers that end with 9

To find the sum of the first three prime numbers that end with a 9, we can follow these steps:

1. Identify prime numbers that end with 9: Start by listing prime numbers that end with 9 until we find three such primes.
- Start with the first prime number, which is 2, but it does not end with 9.
- The next prime number is 3, which also does not end with 9.
- Continue with 5, we still don't have a prime number that ends with 9.
- Finally, we get 7, which does end with 9. So, we found the first prime number that ends with 9.

2. Find two more prime numbers that end with 9:
- Continuing from where we left off, the next prime number is 11, which does not end with 9.
- Next is 13, which also does not end with 9.
- Keep going until we find two more prime numbers that end with 9.
- Eventually, we find 19 and 29, which are prime numbers that end with 9.

3. Calculate the sum of these three prime numbers:
- Add 7, 19, and 29 together to get the sum.
- 7 + 19 + 29 = 55

Therefore, the sum of the first three prime numbers that end with a 9 is 55.