Using the following conversions between the metric and U.S. systems, convert the measurement.

Round your answer to 6 decimal places as needed

1 meter ≈ 3.28 feet
1 Liter ≈ 0.26 gallons
1 kilogram ≈ 2.20 pounds

21.273 daL ≈? fl oz

To convert 21.273 decaliters (daL) to fluid ounces (fl oz), we need to use the given conversion factor:

1 liter ≈ 33.814 fluid ounces (fl oz)

Now, let's set up the conversion using the given information:

21.273 daL * (10 L / 1 daL) * (33.814 fl oz / 1 L)

Firstly, we convert decaliters to liters by multiplying by 10 since there are 10 liters in a decaliter. Then, we convert liters to fluid ounces by multiplying by 33.814, as there are approximately 33.814 fluid ounces in a liter.

Now, let's simplify the expression:

21.273 * 10 * 33.814 fl oz

Multiplying all the numbers together, we get:

7189.537932 fl oz

Rounding this to 6 decimal places, we have:

7189.538 fl oz

Therefore, 21.273 decaliters ≈ 7189.538 fluid ounces.