A machine in a factory produces 24 gizmos the day after $174 repair job the machine and proves that he has more output by 16% if the sale of a gizmo makes a profit of $0.75 the number of days it will take to recover the machines repair cost through sales profit of extra gizmos produced by the repair is

To calculate the number of days it will take to recover the machine's repair cost through sales profit of the extra gizmos produced, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the number of extra gizmos produced after the repair.
Given that the machine produces 24 gizmos the day after the repair job, and the output increased by 16%, we can find the number of extra gizmos produced as follows:

Extra gizmos = 24 * 0.16
Extra gizmos = 3.84 (Let's round this to 4 for simplicity)

Step 2: Calculate the total profit made from the extra gizmos.
Since the profit from selling one gizmo is $0.75, the total profit from selling the extra gizmos can be calculated as follows:

Total profit = Extra gizmos * Profit per gizmo
Total profit = 4 * $0.75
Total profit = $3

Step 3: Calculate the number of days it will take to recover the repair cost.
Given that the repair cost for the machine was $174, we can calculate the number of days to recover the cost as follows:

Number of days = Repair cost / Total profit
Number of days = $174 / $3
Number of days ≈ 58 (rounded to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, it will take approximately 58 days to recover the machine's repair cost through the sales profit of the extra gizmos produced by the repair.

To calculate the number of days it will take to recover the machine's repair cost through the sales profit of the extra gizmos produced by the repair, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the number of additional gizmos produced per day after the repair.

Since the machine's output has increased by 16% after the repair, we can calculate the additional gizmos produced per day as follows:

Additional gizmos per day = 24 gizmos * 16% = 24 * 0.16 = 3.84 gizmos (rounded to 2 decimal places)

Step 2: Calculate the profit generated per day from the additional gizmos.

Since the profit from the sale of one gizmo is $0.75, the profit generated from the additional gizmos per day is:

Profit per day from additional gizmos = 3.84 gizmos * $0.75/gizmo = $2.88

Step 3: Calculate the number of days to recover the repair cost.

To calculate this, we divide the repair cost by the profit generated per day from the additional gizmos:

Number of days to recover repair cost = $174 / $2.88 ≈ 60.42 (rounded up to the nearest whole number)

Therefore, it will take approximately 61 days to recover the machine's repair cost through the sales profit of the extra gizmos produced by the repair.

man, you sure make things hard to read.

174 = 0.75 * 232 gizmos needed to make that up
At 24*1.16 per day, that will take 8.33 days