1. Which of the following sentences is correct? (2 points)

Ich habe keinen Bleistift.
Ich habe Bleistift nicht.
Ich habe nicht einen Bleistift.
Ich nicht haben Bleistift.

2. Which of the following sentences is correct? (2 points)
Wir haben Katzen nicht.
Wir haben nicht Katzen.
Wir haben keine Katzen.
Wir haben Katzen keine.

3. Which of the following sentences is correct? (2 points)
Du schwimmst gerne nicht.
Du schwimmst nicht gerne.
Du schwimmst kein gerne.
Du schwimmst keine gerne.

4. Which is the correct translation for: “Peter does not have pets”? (2 points)
Peter hat nicht Haustiere.
Peter hat Haustiere keine.
Peter hat Haustiere nicht.
Peter hat keine Haustiere.

5. Which negation word is missing in the sentence? Die Kinder essen _________ Gemüse. (2 points)

6. Fill in the missing demonstrative article. Ich möchte ______ Hund. (2 points)

7. Fill in the missing demonstrative article. Mir gefallen _____ Schmetterlinge. (2 points)

8. Fill in the missing demonstrative article. Ich kaufe ______ Pferd. (2 points)

9. Wie sagt man auf Deutsch: I like this frog.
Ich mag ___________________ Frosch.
(2 points)

10. Wie sagt man auf Deutsch: I like those horses.
Ich mag ________________ Pferde.
(2 points)

PsyDAG you are the reason society is failing as a whole

1. The correct sentence is: "Ich habe keinen Bleistift." To determine the correct sentence, look for the negation word "keinen" which is used to express "no" or "not a" in German. The other options have incorrect word orders or incorrect usage of negation.

2. The correct sentence is: "Wir haben keine Katzen." To determine the correct sentence, look for the negation word "keine" which is used to express "no" or "not any" in German. The other options have incorrect word orders or incorrect usage of negation.

3. The correct sentence is: "Du schwimmst nicht gerne." To determine the correct sentence, look for the negation word "nicht" which is used to express "not" in German. The other options have incorrect word orders or incorrect usage of negation.

4. The correct sentence is: "Peter hat keine Haustiere." To determine the correct sentence, look for the negation word "keine" which is used to express "no" or "not any" in German. The other options have incorrect word orders or incorrect usage of negation.

5. The missing negation word in the sentence "Die Kinder essen ___________ Gemüse." is "kein". To determine the correct negation word, consider the noun "Gemüse" which is a neuter noun. In this case, the correct negation word is "kein" which means "no" or "not a". The other options are incorrect or don't match the gender of the noun.

6. The missing demonstrative article in the sentence "Ich möchte ______ Hund." is "diesen". To determine the correct demonstrative article, consider the gender and case of the noun "Hund." In this case, the correct demonstrative article is "diesen" because "Hund" is a masculine noun in the accusative case. The other options are incorrect or don't match the gender and case of the noun.

7. The missing demonstrative article in the sentence "Mir gefallen ______ Schmetterlinge." is "diese". To determine the correct demonstrative article, consider the gender and case of the noun "Schmetterlinge." In this case, the correct demonstrative article is "diese" because "Schmetterlinge" is a plural noun. The other options are incorrect or don't match the gender and case of the noun.

8. The missing demonstrative article in the sentence "Ich kaufe ______ Pferd." is "jenes". To determine the correct demonstrative article, consider the gender and case of the noun "Pferd." In this case, the correct demonstrative article is "jenes" because "Pferd" is a neuter noun in the accusative case. The other options are incorrect or don't match the gender and case of the noun.

9. The correct translation of "I like this frog" is "Ich mag diesen Frosch." To determine the correct demonstrative article, consider the gender and case of the noun "Frosch." In this case, the correct demonstrative article is "diesen" because "Frosch" is a masculine noun in the accusative case. The other options are incorrect or don't match the gender and case of the noun.

10. The correct translation of "I like those horses" is "Ich mag jene Pferde." To determine the correct demonstrative article, consider the gender and case of the noun "Pferde." In this case, the correct demonstrative article is "jene" because "Pferde" is a plural noun. The other options are incorrect or don't match the gender and case of the noun.

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