1. Jim is buying donuts, each donut is $1.30 for every donut he buys, the price decreases by 5 cents, Jim buys 12 donuts. Linear, or non-linear? i think its linear! HELP PLS

Im not sure but, I would go with linear

ok, thanks.

Give it a rest, and see your first post.

Yes, it is linear, since the changes is the same for each donut

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To determine whether this situation is linear or non-linear, let's analyze the pattern of the price decrease.

Jim is buying donuts, and for every donut he buys, the price decreases by 5 cents. We know that the initial price is $1.30, and after each donut purchased, the price decreases by 5 cents.

If we look at the prices for the first few donuts, we can see the following pattern:
1st donut: $1.30
2nd donut: $1.25 (decreased by 5 cents)
3rd donut: $1.20 (decreased by another 5 cents)
4th donut: $1.15 (decreased by yet another 5 cents)

By observing this pattern, we can see that the price is consistently decreasing by 5 cents for each additional donut. Therefore, it follows a linear pattern.

In a linear situation, the change in the dependent variable (price) is constant for each change in the independent variable (number of donuts). In this case, the price decreases by 5 cents for each additional donut, resulting in a linear relationship.

Hence, your intuition is correct. The situation where the price of donuts decreases by 5 cents for each donut purchased is linear.