1. Jim is buying donuts, each donut is $1.30 for every donut he buys, the price decreases by 5 cents, Jim buys 12 donuts. Linear, or non-linear? i think is linear. Will someone pls help me!

i am

you are what? ive been waiting for 20 mins T^T

i am sorry i don't now * i subminted to fast LOL

oh. ok then back to waiting ;-;

sorry i don't know and nether does my sister we are both in 6th grade and we still are learning that stuff

we are horrible at time and money

she is right

The cost is non-linear. The rate of decrease is linear.

Review what "linear" means.

Yes, this is a linear situation.

To determine if the situation is linear or non-linear, we need to analyze the relationship between the number of donuts Jim buys and the corresponding price.

In this scenario, as Jim buys more donuts, the price of each donut decreases by 5 cents. This means that the relationship between the number of donuts and the price follows a consistent pattern: a decrease of 5 cents for each additional donut.

If we plot the number of donuts on the x-axis and the price on the y-axis, we can see that as the number of donuts increases, the price decreases in a straight line. This indicates that the relationship is linear.

To further confirm this, you can calculate the price for different numbers of donuts and check if it follows the same pattern. For example, for 1 donut, the price is $1.30, for 2 donuts it is $1.25, for 3 donuts it is $1.20, and so on.

In conclusion, the relationship between the number of donuts Jim buys and the price is linear.