Which of the following options have the same value as 2%, percent of 90

To find the value of 2% of 90, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert 2% to decimal form. Divide 2 by 100: 2/100 = 0.02.

Step 2: Multiply the decimal value by 90: 0.02 * 90 = 1.8.

Therefore, 2% of 90 is equal to 1.8.

Now, let's compare this value to the given options to find which one is the same:

Option A: 1.5
Option B: 0.92
Option C: 1.8

The value that is the same as 2% of 90 is Option C: 1.8.

To determine which of the given options have the same value as 2% of 90, we need to calculate 2% of 90.

The term "percent" means "per hundred." So, to calculate a percentage, we divide the number by 100 and then multiply it by the desired percentage.

To find 2% of 90:

Step 1: Divide 2 by 100: 2 ÷ 100 = 0.02
Step 2: Multiply the result from step 1 by 90: 0.02 × 90 = 1.8

Hence, 2% of 90 is equal to 1.8.

Now we can check which of the given options match this value of 1.8 to identify the ones that have the same value as 2% of 90.

no idea, but I's look for

.02 * 90
1/50 * 90
2/100 * 90

and why
(a) the comma after 2% ?
(b) both 2% and percent?