Draw a flowchart to solve this problem.A program to ask user to input 100 marks.Calculate the average marks.Then,display the average value.


for i=1..100
read m(i)
sum += m(i)
end for
avg = sum/100
print "average: ", avg

To create a flowchart for the program that asks the user to input 100 marks, calculates the average marks, and then displays the average value, you can follow the steps below:

1. Begin the flowchart.

2. Display a message prompting the user to input the first mark.

3. Get the first mark value from the user.

4. Initialize a variable sum to 0.

5. Initialize a variable count to 0.

6. Sum up the mark value to the variable sum.

7. Increment the count variable by 1.

8. Check if the count variable is less than 100.

9. If the condition is true, go back to step 2 to get the next mark value.

10. If the condition is false, calculate the average by dividing the sum by 100.

11. Display the average value.

12. End the flowchart.

Remember to incorporate flowchart symbols like decision diamonds, input/output parallelograms, and process rectangles to represent each step in the flowchart accurately. Additionally, you can add connectors and arrows to indicate the flow of the program's execution.