Which activity is part of both private and civic like?

1. learning about politics
2. voting for a candidate
3. going to sports games
4. working at a bookshop

Is it A?

Hello anybody?

Nvm >:( forget it. It is correct

its b

Yes, learning about politics is the activity that is part of both private and civic life. To determine the correct answer, let's first understand what private and civic life mean.

Private life refers to activities and matters that occur within an individual's personal sphere, such as engaging in hobbies, spending time with family and friends, or pursuing personal interests.

Civic life, on the other hand, pertains to activities and matters that involve interaction with the public and the community. It involves participation in community events, being aware of and engaged in public issues, and exercising rights and responsibilities as a citizen.

Now, let's analyze each option:

1. Learning about politics: This activity is related to both private and civic life. Privately, individuals may educate themselves about politics to form their own opinions and make informed decisions. At the same time, being politically aware and informed is important for active and informed citizenship, which makes it a civic activity.

2. Voting for a candidate: While voting is indeed a significant civic activity that allows citizens to exercise their democratic rights, it is not part of private life. Voting takes place in a public setting, such as polling stations, and involves participating in the democratic process as a member of the community.

3. Going to sports games: Attending sports games is primarily a private activity. Although it might involve going to public venues and interacting with other fans, it is not directly linked to civic life or community engagement.

4. Working at a bookshop: Working at a bookshop is primarily a private activity that revolves around employment and business in a personal context. It does not necessarily involve civic participation or engagement with the wider community.

Therefore, the correct answer is 1. Learning about politics. It is an activity that can be pursued both privately, allowing individuals to be informed, and as part of civic life, being engaged and knowledgeable citizens.