What is the definition of the term "conservationists" in the first sentence?

To determine the definition of a term, such as "conservationists," you can look it up in a reliable dictionary or glossary. One popular online resource is Merriam-Webster's dictionary. You can visit their website or use their mobile app to access their comprehensive dictionary.

After accessing the dictionary, search for the term "conservationists." The definition provided will typically explain the meaning of the term, its usage, and any related information. In this case, a dictionary would define "conservationists" as people who advocate for the protection and preservation of the natural environment, including the conservation of resources and wildlife.

Remember, for more context or specific information about a term, it is always helpful to read the sentence or the surrounding text, as it often provides clues to the intended meaning.

To determine the definition of the term "conservationists" in the first sentence, could you please provide the sentence in question?