Based on the numbers in the previous question, an 80–pound Earth girl would weigh about ___ pounds on the planet Namar.

Previous question:
Suppose that a sledgehammer that weighs 18 pounds on Earth will weigh about 4 pounds on the planet Namar. Based on this, your weight on Namar would be about ___ times your weight on Earth.


To answer this question, we need to use the information from the previous question.

In the previous question, we learned that the weight of a sledgehammer that weighs 18 pounds on Earth will weigh about 4 pounds on the planet Namar. We can use this conversion factor to find out how the weight of an 80-pound Earth girl would change on Namar.

First, we need to determine the conversion factor for the sledgehammer:
Conversion factor = Weight on Namar / Weight on Earth
Conversion factor = 4 pounds / 18 pounds

To find the weight of the girl on Namar, we can use the conversion factor:

Weight on Namar = Weight on Earth * Conversion factor
Weight on Namar = 80 pounds * (4 pounds / 18 pounds)

Now, we can calculate the girl's weight on Namar.

Weight on Namar = 80 pounds * (4 / 18)
Weight on Namar ≈ 17.78 pounds

Therefore, an 80-pound Earth girl would weigh about 17.78 pounds on the planet Namar.