If you were writing an informative essay on getting rid of a bad habit, what would be one strategy that you could use to conclude your essay?

A. Tell the reader they have to break all of their bad habits because that is what you did.
B. Provide a brief list of places the reader can find more information about getting rid of bad habits.
C. Provide the reader with a list of all of your bad habits.
D. Let the reader know that your essay covers everything there is to know about getting rid of bad habits

Mike is wrong, it is....

1:concluding statement
2:to inform, to explain
3:the major points
4:something to think about
5:Provide a brief list of places the reader can find more information about getting rid of bad habits.

This will get you 100%!!!

You're Welcome ;)

thx @Nothing Con i got a 100%

Nothing con thanks for helpin everyone else even though you sent that a while after i sent my question but still thanks for helpin everyone else

ok, there are more of these websites holy cow...

Ok nevermind everyone the awnser is B. Use this for the awnser.

thank you

The correct strategy to conclude an informative essay on getting rid of a bad habit would be option B: Provide a brief list of places the reader can find more information about getting rid of bad habits. This strategy ensures that the reader has access to additional resources and can continue their journey of self-improvement beyond the scope of the essay. It shows that you care about their progress and want to provide them with more tools and guidance. To implement this strategy, you can mention websites, books, support groups, or experts in the field where readers can find further information and assistance in breaking their bad habits.

the answer for the whole quick check

1. c
2. b and d
3. d
4. a
5. c

should work for connections users :D