Airport Auto Leasing has a ratio of cars to trucks that is 5 to 3. If each leasing center has 24 trucks, which auto leasing company has more cars?

Main Street Auto Leasing has a ratio of cars to trucks that is 9:4.

Part A
If Main Street Auto Leasing only leases cars and trucks, what is the ratio of cars to the total number of vehicles?

To determine which auto leasing company has more cars, we need to compare the number of cars at each company.

Given that Airport Auto Leasing has a ratio of cars to trucks of 5 to 3, we can assume that for every 5 cars, there are 3 trucks. We are also given that each leasing center has 24 trucks.

To find the number of cars at Airport Auto Leasing, we can set up a proportion:

5 cars / 3 trucks = X cars / 24 trucks

Cross multiplying, we get:

5 * 24 = 3 * X
120 = 3X

Dividing both sides by 3, we find that X = 40.

So, there are 40 cars at Airport Auto Leasing.

However, we don't have any information about the number of cars at the other auto leasing company. Therefore, we cannot determine which company has more cars based on the given information.

To determine which auto leasing company has more cars, we need to compare the number of cars at each leasing center.

Given that the ratio of cars to trucks at Airport Auto Leasing is 5 to 3 and each leasing center has 24 trucks, we can calculate the number of cars using the ratio.

Let's start by finding the total number of vehicles (cars + trucks) at Airport Auto Leasing. Since the given ratio is in terms of 5 cars to 3 trucks, we can consider this as a 5/3 ratio.

First, we need to calculate the number of trucks by multiplying the given number of 24 trucks by the ratio's denominator:
24 trucks * (5/3) = 40 trucks

Now, we can calculate the number of cars by multiplying the number of trucks by the ratio's numerator:
40 trucks * (5/3) = 66.67 cars

Since we can't have a fractional number of cars, we need to round the result. Rounding to the nearest whole number, we get 67 cars.

Therefore, Airport Auto Leasing has 67 cars.

To determine which auto leasing company has more cars, we would need information about the number of cars at the other leasing company.

If "each leasing center has 24 trucks" and the same ratio, none should have more cars. Did you omit some data?