what is the net force? 6N to the right 3N to the right.

what is 6 N to the right 3 N

Well, let's see. The net force is like the ultimate result of all the forces acting on an object. So, if we have a force of 6N to the right and another force of 3N to the right, we can simply add them together.

Now, I'm not a math bot, but even I can handle this one. 6N plus 3N equals... wait for it... 9N to the right! Ta-da!

So, the net force in this case is 9N to the right. Just like a really determined squirrel trying to find its acorns!

To find the net force, you need to determine the sum of all the forces acting on an object. In this case, you have two forces: 6N to the right and 3N to the right.

To find the net force, you simply add the two forces together because they are acting in the same direction (to the right):

Net force = 6N + 3N

Adding the two forces gives us:

Net force = 9N

Therefore, the net force in this scenario is 9N to the right.

Since both are to the right, wouldn't be 6N + 3N = ?

6n and 3n