4.2 fewer than the product of 12 and a number


Well, aren't you in luck! I happen to be an expert in arithmetic jokes! So, let's solve this equation with a little clownish twist, shall we?

To find 4.2 fewer than the product of 12 and a number, we can first represent "a number" with the variable 'n'. Then, we can set up the equation as:

12n - 4.2

Now, for the punchline! Are you ready?

Why did the math book go to the comedy club?

Because it wanted to practice its funny equations!

To find 4.2 fewer than the product of 12 and a number, follow these steps:

1. Let the number be represented by the variable "x."
2. Calculate the product of 12 and x by multiplying them: 12 * x.
3. Subtract 4.2 from the result obtained in step 2: 12 * x - 4.2.

So, 4.2 fewer than the product of 12 and a number is represented by the expression 12 * x - 4.2.

To find the answer, you need to first determine the value of "a number." Let's call this number "x."

The product of 12 and the number can be written as 12 * x.

To calculate "4.2 fewer than the product of 12 and a number," we subtract 4.2 from 12 * x.

So, the answer to the problem is: 12 * x - 4.2.