A small village had a population of 1500 people.25%of the population were girls and 30%of the population were boys.what percentage of the population were adults

There are no adults

If 55% were children, then 1500 * .45 = ?

To find the percentage of the population that were adults, we first need to determine the percentage of the population that consists of girls and boys.

Let's start with the girls:
We know that 25% of the population were girls, so we can find the number of girls by multiplying the population size by 25%:
Number of girls = 1500 * 0.25 = 375

Now let's find the number of boys:
We know that 30% of the population were boys, so we can calculate the number of boys by multiplying the population size by 30%:
Number of boys = 1500 * 0.30 = 450

To find the number of adults in the village, we need to subtract the number of girls and boys from the total population:
Number of adults = 1500 - (375 + 450) = 1500 - 825 = 675

Finally, to find the percentage of the population that were adults, we divide the number of adults by the total population and multiply by 100 to convert it to a percentage:
Percentage of adults = (675 / 1500) * 100 = 45%

Therefore, 45% of the population in the small village were adults.