Arrange the following atoms in order of decreasing atomic radius.

Cs, Xe, Sb, Sr

To arrange the given atoms in order of decreasing atomic radius, we need to consider their positions in the periodic table. The atomic radius generally decreases as we move from left to right across a period and increases as we move down a group.

Let's analyze each atom:

1. Cs (Cesium): Cesium is a group 1 metal located in the first period of the periodic table. As we move down a group, the atomic radius generally increases. Therefore, Cs has the largest atomic radius among the given atoms.

2. Xe (Xenon): Xenon is a noble gas located in the 18th group and the fifth period. Noble gases have relatively large atomic radii due to their stable electron configurations. However, when compared to Cs, Xe has a smaller atomic radius.

3. Sb (Antimony): Antimony is a metalloid located in the 15th group and the fifth period. Moving across a period from left to right, the atomic radius generally decreases. Therefore, Sb has a smaller atomic radius compared to Xe.

4. Sr (Strontium): Strontium is a group 2 metal located in the second period. Like Cs, moving down a group causes the atomic radius to increase. However, Sr is located in a lower period compared to Cs, so the atomic radius of Sr is smaller.

Arranging the atoms in order of decreasing atomic radius: Cs > Xe > Sb > Sr