How much of 1 cup of milk is used for 8 slices of bread? I’m really stuck on this

What are your choices? Also lacking data.

To determine how much milk from 1 cup is used for 8 slices of bread, we need to know the amount of milk used per slice of bread. Do you have that information?

To find out how much of 1 cup of milk is used for 8 slices of bread, we need to determine the milk-to-bread ratio. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Determine the amount of milk used per slice of bread: To do this, divide the total amount of milk (1 cup) by the number of slices of bread (8).

Milk per slice = 1 cup / 8 slices

This will give you the amount of milk used per slice of bread.

2. Simplify the ratio (optional): If you want to express the ratio in a simplified form, you can divide the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). This will give you the simplest ratio between milk and bread slices.

For example, if the result of step 1 is 1/8, you can simplify it to 1/8 ÷ 1 = 1/8.

So, the amount of milk used for 8 slices of bread is determined by dividing 1 cup by 8, resulting in 1/8 cup of milk per slice of bread.