round 17,575 to the nearest thousands

17,575 what is the thousands and ten thousands

18000 nearest thousand 20000 Ten thousand

it is 18,000, just put it as your answer because it is correct trust me on this

18,000 is the nearest thousand because if you take the digit under seven thousand, which is five hundred, you round five and up to the next number next to it. The numbers above 7/8 thousand stay the same.

Hope this helps but since I'm bad at explaining it might sound completely off-topic B')

Put 18,000 and it'll feel like you won $10,000.Because 18,000 is the right answer.

I need help

To round a number to the nearest thousands, you need to look at the digit in the hundreds place. Here are the steps to determine the rounded number:

1. Identify the digit in the hundreds place. In this case, the digit in the hundreds place is 7.

2. Determine if the digit in the hundreds place is less than 5 or greater than or equal to 5. If it is less than 5, you round down. If it is greater than or equal to 5, you round up.

3. Since the digit in the hundreds place is 7, which is greater than or equal to 5, you round up.

4. Change all digits after the thousands place to zeroes. In this case, change the digits in the hundreds, tens, and ones places to zeroes. This will give you the rounded number to the nearest thousands.

Therefore, rounding 17,575 to the nearest thousands, we get 18,000.

You are all now in big trouble!

5 or greater rounds up

look at the hundreds place