The Qin and Han dynasties both had what type of government?

A. Weak Union
B: Limited Democracy
C. Confucian
D. Strong Centralized

To determine the type of government that the Qin and Han dynasties had, we can start by examining the key characteristics of each dynasty.

The Qin dynasty (221-206 BCE) was founded by Emperor Qin Shi Huang, who unified China and established a centralized bureaucratic government. This government system was known as a Meritocracy, which means that officials were appointed based on their abilities and achievements rather than their family background or social status. However, despite some elements of meritocracy, the Qin dynasty was characterized by a strong centralized government with a highly authoritarian rule, concentrating power in the hands of the emperor. This leads us to conclude that the government of the Qin dynasty can be described as a "Strong Centralized" form of government.

Following the collapse of the Qin dynasty, the Han dynasty (206 BCE-220 CE) emerged as the ruling dynasty in China. The Han dynasty continued to maintain a centralized bureaucratic system of government but implemented key reforms that decentralized power to some extent. The Han dynasty introduced a policy called the "Empire of 10,000 Generals", where regional military commanders, known as "Four Lords", were granted significant authority over their respective territories. Moreover, the Han dynasty also incorporated Confucian principles into its governance, including the emphasis on filial piety and the promotion of ethical conduct. While power was partially decentralized during the Han dynasty, the central government still maintained ultimate control, making it a government type that can be described as a combination of "Strong Centralized" and "Confucian".

Therefore, the correct option that describes the government of both the Qin and Han dynasties is D. Strong Centralized.