This table shows how the cost of Paco's birthday party depends on the number of guests.

​Cost of Paco's birthday party:
​Guests, ​4 8​ ​12
​Cost, ​20 ​40 ​ ?

​Determine the cost of having guests at the party

4*5 = 20

8*5 = 40
12*5= 60

Determine 12 guests at the party

To determine the cost of having 12 guests at the party, we need to look for a pattern in the given information.

First, we can observe that as the number of guests increases, the cost of the party also increases. This suggests that there is a constant rate of increase in the cost as more guests are added.

From the given table, we can see that when there are 4 guests, the cost is $20. When there are 8 guests, the cost is $40. We can calculate the rate of increase in the cost per guest by finding the difference in cost when the number of guests increases by 4.

To find the difference in cost, we subtract the initial cost from the final cost:
$40 - $20 = $20

Since the number of guests increased by 4, we divide the difference in cost by 4:
$20 / 4 = $5

Now we know that for every 4 additional guests, the cost increases by $5.

To find the cost of having 12 guests, we can calculate the number of additional guests beyond 8 (12 - 8 = 4) and multiply it by the rate of increase in cost per guest ($5):

4 additional guests * $5 increase in cost per guest = $20

Therefore, the cost of having 12 guests at the party would be $40 + $20 = $60.

Looks like about $5 per guest :)