An object has a mass of 70g in air. It's apparent mass is 50g when totally immersed in another liquid. Calculate the relative density of the object and that of the liquid

To calculate the relative density of an object, you need to know the mass of the object and the density of the liquid it is immersed in.

First, let's calculate the volume of the object using its apparent mass in the liquid.

Step 1: Determine the volume of the object in the liquid.
Since density = mass/volume, we can rearrange the formula to calculate the volume:
Volume = mass/density
The mass of the object in the liquid is 50g, and we need to find the volume.

Now, to calculate the relative density of the object, we need to know its mass and volume in air.

Step 2: Calculate the volume of the object in air.
The mass of the object in air is given as 70g, and we need to find the volume.

Once we have the volume of the object in air and the volume of the object in the liquid, we can calculate the relative density of the object.

Step 3: Calculate the relative density of the object.
Relative density = (density of object)/(density of liquid)
Since density = mass/volume,
Relative density = (mass of object in air/volume of object in air)/(mass of object in liquid/volume of object in liquid)

Mass of object in air = 70g
Mass of object in liquid = 50g

Now, you need to find the densities of the object and the liquid to calculate the relative density.

Step 4: Calculate the density of the object.
Density of the object = mass of object in air/volume of object in air

Step 5: Calculate the density of the liquid.
Density of the liquid = mass of object in liquid/volume of object in liquid

Finally, substitute the values for the densities of the object and the liquid into the relative density formula to calculate the relative density of the object and the liquid.